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Newington, Connecticut

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All Ages Care Management, LLC

Providing dedicated support and solutions to empower families through the complexities of long-term care.

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All Ages Care Management, LLC

Providing dedicated support and solutions to empower families through the complexities of long-term care.

Old Lady Care

We are here to
assist you.

Have you noticed subtle changes in your mother, father, or other family members? Are they not quite as capable as they once were? Are they saying they are fine but they’re leaning on you more and more for help?

Maybe you’re a special needs family whose child has challenges that are becoming too much to handle, along with unique health needs and a full schedule of school meetings.

There is help available.

Our Services

We Believe Everyone Deserves A Quality Care.

We will assist you by developing a holistic care plan, helping you with difficult decisions.
Contact us today.

What Our Clients Say

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about our services and how we can assist you in providing the best care for your loved ones? You're not alone! We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to address your concerns. From understanding our holistic care planning approach to navigating transitions and arranging care, we're here to provide you with clarity and guidance. 

What sets All Ages Care Management apart from others?

Our unique blend of expertise, compassion, and a personalized approach sets us apart. We prioritize your family's well-being and aim to provide exceptional care tailored to your specific needs.

What types of care services do you specialize in?

We specialize in a wide range of care services, including Geriatric Care, Assisting with Transitions, Arranging and Monitoring Care, and more. Our goal is to meet the unique needs of your loved ones.

Do you provide services for individuals of all ages or just seniors?

Our services are not limited to seniors; we are here to assist families with loved ones of all ages. Whether you're caring for an aging parent, a child with special needs, or any family member in need of support, we can help.

How can I get started with All Ages Care Management services?

Simply reach out to us through our website or by phone, and we'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your family's needs and create a tailored care plan. Your journey to better care starts here!

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