You have probably heard of a geriatric care manager (GCM), but if not, it is a professional who provides care management by helping older adults and their families. Although the title of the role has changed, there are tremendous benefits of hiring and working with an Aging Life Care Professional (ALC). These professionals utilize a holistic approach to the development of care plans for older adults and individuals of all ages who are living with challenging chronic conditions or are disabled. Some of the conditions ALs can assist parents with are: physical disabilities, traumatic brain injury, mental health challenges, developmental disabilities such as Down’s Syndrome and the Autism spectrum, and more.
We assist individuals and their families by assessing their loved one and then creating a plan of care which will ensure that their loved one enjoys a good quality of life, safely, and with dignity. Families benefit from the experience of an ALC by having someone on their “team” who can reduce the stress of balancing work, family life, traveling, and the ever evolving needs of their loved one.
The byzantine labyrinth of the long term care system can be confusing and all consuming, even for a family that is willing and able to help with care. An Aging Life Care™ Professional has the knowledge and resources to help families plan and problem solve, as well as educate them so that they can better understand the changes in their loved one which will invariably take place.
An ALC can guide and advocate for clients and families by answering some of these common questions. Did you know about an “observation vs. admitted” status while in the hospital? Should your loved one return home with the appropriate therapies after hospitalization or is a stay at a rehabilitation center the answer? And what is covered by Medicare, Medicare supplements, or a long-term care policy? what care might be considered an out-of-pocket expense? So many other scenarios are possible. Experience, knowledge, expertise, and compassion all combine to the extra “son” or “daughter: who is dedicated to the health and welfare of the client and their family